Coastal/Integrated Land-Sea Planning

Photo: Patrick Crist

Planning at the interface of land and sea is arguably one of the most challenging planning activities. The mix of ecosystem types, coastal hazards, different and disconnected jurisdictions and authorities contribute to this complexity. Dr. Crist is an early pioneer of integrated land-sea planning that can link objectives across sectors and jurisdictions and identify opportunities that yield multiple benefits. Improving coastal resilience is a key component of this work in our dynamic coastal regions. For example Dr. Crist worked with the Mission Aransas National Estuary Research Reserve (MANERR), NOAA, Seagrant and others to develop a toolkit, training, and guidance document for improving land use planning in the coastal region to retain the health of the commercial and recreational fisheries in the estuary. PlanIt Forward can help you understand threats and opportunities in your coastal/near shore areas and develop integrated plans that increase resilience.

Understanding sources of runoff based on future land use that can impact nearshore habitats. Aransas Bay, Texas, USA

Integrated land-sea assessment and prioritization for Puerto Rico

Integrated land and sea planning is idea for planning Marine Protected Areas. This approach (illustrated above for Puerto Rico) informs how planning for compatible land uses and watershed restoration can support the health of marine areas.